Frequently Asked Questions


How much will it cost to ship my order?

Shipping charges are determined by weight and destination. Please note that shipping charges will not appear on your order page at time of check-out. You will be charged based on what items are actually shipped at time of shipment.

How and when will my order be shipped?

Typically orders are shipped within 120 hours (5 working days) from receipt. USPS will be used unless otherwise requested.

Please note, if your order is refused or if no one is there to accept it, you will be responsible for the shipping charges and a 25% re-stocking fee. If re-shipped, double freight charges will be imposed. No further order will be shipped until your account is clear.

What if I have questions about products?

Please contact our office at 443-570-1358 to speak with one of our Sales Representatives or email us at before placing your order.

Where can I view your products?

Our products can be viewed online, at trade shows, events and appointments at our Baltimore Showroom, and through our catalog.

What are your accepted forms of payment?

For Mimi Accounts, payment can be made using all major credit cards such as but not limited to, MasterCard, Visa and American Express, Cash App etc. If you have any questions please contact us.

Can I add to an order I've already placed?

Once your order is in our system we cannot add-on or amend it please review your order carefully before checking out.

Once I've placed my order is there a charge for canceling?

Yes, there is a 15% service charge that will apply.

What other methods can I use to place my order?

You may reach us by phone at 443-570-1358 Monday through Friday 8:30AM to 8:00PM EST or you can fax your order to us at 888-555-5555 but be sure to include your contact information and customer number.

If you have any questions not covered here please do not hesitate to contact us at: 443-570-1358 or